Definition of Radioactive dating

1. Noun. Measurement of the amount of radioactive material (usually carbon 14) that an object contains; can be used to estimate the age of the object.

Definition of Radioactive dating

1. Noun. A method of determining the age of objects or material using the decay rates of radioactive components such as potassium-argon. ¹

2. Noun. An instance of so doing. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Radioactive Dating

radio tracking
radio transmitter
radio wave
radio waves
radioactive atom
radioactive constant
radioactive contamination
radioactive cow
radioactive dating
radioactive datings
radioactive decay
radioactive dust
radioactive equilibrium
radioactive fallout
radioactive fallouts
radioactive iodide uptake test
radioactive iodine
radioactive iodine excretion test
radioactive iodine test
radioactive iodine uptake test
radioactive isotope
radioactive material
radioactive pollutants

Literary usage of Radioactive dating

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1883)
"This fact has given rise to an interesting research project involving radioactive dating of Precambrian rocks by the argon-potassium and rubidium- strontium ..."

2. Organic Matter and Rice by Stephen Banta, Corazon V. Mendoza, International Rice Research Institute (1984)
"radioactive dating and methods of low level counting. Proc. Symp. IAEA; Monaco 169. Nemecek, J. 1971. On the problem of radiocarbon dating of holocene ..."

3. Mr Brouard's Odyssey by Diana Winsor (2004)
"They were hoping to trace the climatic history of die continent. The resulting examples of sediment were examined by a new method of radioactive dating and ..."

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